Communication rules
To all users: Participation in Forums and Chat requires appropriate conduct and the common courtesy and behavior that is socially accepted among the general public in offline venues. Forums and Chat are public spaces. What is prohibited to say and do in offline public areas is also prohibited in online Forums and Chat.
The official language of communication is English.

Also prohibited:
  • Offensive remarks about other people or "baiting" (tormenting) people.
  • Incitement and provocation of arguments, quarrels, swearing, violence and so forth. Abbreviations or masked words (e.g. with ***) that definitely means a swearing may be considered as a swearing.
  • Pointless rants, such as when a person is constantly and unnecessarily commenting across all topics.
  • Online conversation in any language other than English in Forums and Chat. (Exception: special topics in a forum exclusively dedicated to the players' locality.)
  • Publishing of posts, avatars, signatures, images or text that contain pornography, violence, or any imagery that evokes strong negative emotions
  • Promotion of violence, fascism or ethnic hatred.
  • Promotion or mention of drugs in any form.
  • Sexual harrassment in chat, forums, or mail
  • Creating a nickname that duplicates, or is similar to, that of an existing user.
  • Creating a nickname that uses the name of, or that suggests the name of, any famous or well-known person, or using any nickname with abusive or inappropriate words, or one that suggests such words.
  • Creating multiple accounts for trade in the Trade sections.
  • Publication of referral links.
  • Publication of materials and links related to cheats, bugs, glitches, warez, bots, exploits or other "hacks" that can contribute to foul play or violate the rights of the players and/or developers/publishers of the game and other related software, or of any materials and links that violate existing law.
  • Commercial advertising and all acts contrary to the interests of the developers, administrators and advertisers.
  • Begging for funding in the game
  • Posting in very old threads is not allowed. Senseless posting in more than one thread at the same time is not allowed. Posting in old news sections is strictly prohibited. However, referring to a previous topic in order to ask meaningful questions on a current topic of discussion is permitted.
  • Writing messages in capital letters is forbidden. No more than one word in capital letters is allowed in each sentence

In cases of violation, a system of warnings and bans is applied.

If a banned visitor creates a new account, it may be banned without notification, and all posts from the new account will be deleted.

About moderators: The Administration and moderators are responsible for maintaining order in the forums.

  • Publicly discussing the actions of moderators and/or the Administration, and arguments with the moderator on any given topic;
    (Note: If the moderator is involved in the discussion along with all visitors, then debate with him on a particular subject is allowed.)
  • Direct or indirect insults to moderators/administrators;
  • Discussion about the actions of suspended (banned) users who are no longer able to respond;
  • Posting messages on behalf of banned users.

If you are dissatisfied with any actions of the moderators, do not engage in a confrontational exchange of messages but instead simply send a message to customer support. Your issue will be handled directly by the Administration without your intervention to avoid inciting further conflict or negative behavior on the game site.
Moderators are not allowed to:
  • Moderate themes upon which they themselves are taking part in discussing;
    (Clarification: This concerns "hot" topics on which the moderator spoke for or against a particular point of view.)
  • Intervene in the affairs of groups (group forums) without permission of the group leader.
Moderators are allowed to:
  • Close any topic if they believe that further development of the subject cannot lead to a constructive outcome;
  • Issue warnings to users who do not comply with the forum rules;
  • Ban users when a warning does not result in the ceasing of their unacceptable behavior or activity.

Abuse reports
Members are not required to respond to all reports of violations. If the moderator has not responded to a report, then he has determined that his intervention is not required.
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